The decision to lease or own the location a business is located in is one of the most important that many small businesses experience as they grow. There is a myriad of factors that can cause confusion in addition to the legal and financial aspects of the decision.
For businesses large and small, the purchase of real estate is an important part of growth and success. Whether you are looking to purchase your first location, or moving to a new, improved building, there is a real estate loan that can finance your move. Funding...
When your business is in need of new equipment in order to be successful, you will need to consider which method of obtaining that equipment is best for you. Although there are many options for financing equipment and machinery, loans and leases are the most popular...
Businesses in need of funding generally turn to traditional banks, they fill out a ton of paperwork, they hand over the details of their life and business, they hold on to hope. After all of this, denial. How does a business owner get back on their feet after a bank...
Owning a business may be one of the greatest achievements of your life, and the success of that business often relies on your ability to generate the funds needed for daily operating expenses. Managing cash flow becomes all the more complicated when move to a new...